Your solution when it’s out of reach.
Smaller Maintenance Jobs
A couple of leaking window beads? An area of plaster that needs patching? A cracked window pane? A broken tile on a steep pitched roof? We can provide the easiest of fixes to these troublesome smaller jobs. Our crew are available for a couple of hours if that’s all you need.
Larger At-Height Projects
Rope-access crews are being utilized more than ever before, as construction companies realize the advantages of our services. Entire buildings are getting glazed and clad with the help of a team of rope access specialists. Pressure cleaning an entire high-rise building, repainting of high roof-beams in a foyer ceiling void, installation of a steel feature on a façade – all possible, safe and cost effective with a good rope-access crew.
A few of our services include:
→ Window Cleaning (commercial, high rise and some residential)
→ Pressure Washing (buildings and sidewalks)
→ Waterproofing/Caulking
→ Window Repair/Glazing
→ Painting
→ Exterior Building Inspection
→ Exterior Lighting (or interior if it’s out of reach)
→ Steeplejack (climb & repair flagpoles)
→ Solar Panels
→ Construction clean-up
→ Caulking, waterproofing and exterior building repairs
→ Wind Turbine Maintenance & Repairs
For building facade consultations, inspections and repairs please visit our Onrope Services division at